Local News


Two capital projects in Petersburg will get state funding

Each year the Alaska Legislature puts together a capital budget - money to fund construction projects around the state. This year four Petersburg projects made it into the *proposed capital budget. And two made it past Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s veto pen - that’s a lot for a smaller municipality. But one of those wasn’t even on the borough’s priority list.

Hutli Pole welcomed at Sandy Beach Park

Members of Petersburg’s tribe unveiled a brand new, 14-foot totem pole at a popular recreation area on July 5. It’s called the Hutli Pole, and it’s part of a larger project to bring awareness to the people who have lived on Mitkof Island since time immemorial. 

DJ School

Teens – rock your volunteer time! Play the music you want to hear, learn everything you need to be an amazing DJ on KFSK & build job skills!





In The Garden with Craig Olson and Deb Hurley, most Thursdays, 2:30pm

Join our hosts Craig Olson and Deb Hurley most Thursdays at 2:30pm with rotating guests

Mobile Alert Registration

Mobile Alert Registration

Information to register mobile devices for National Alert Notices



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Homegrown Conversations for Curious Minds

Homegrown Conversations for Curious Minds - a KFSK and Public Library Podcast

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Crab Bait Radio

CRAB BAIT RADIO ARCHIVE - KFSK fun and satire on all things that can fit into the pot

Petersburg Marine Mammal Center

Frederick Soundings Archive

Frederick Soundings is an educational radio series produced in collaboration between the Petersburg Marine Mammal Center and KFSK Community Radio