PETERSBURG-AK To read the Ruth Lake applications and and other filings from and about Petersburg, Wrangell, Angoon and Cascade creek, you can visit the <a href="javascript:void(0);/*1242069258644*/">Federal Energy Regulatory Commission website's elibrary general search.</a><br />
If the above link is not working, try copying and pasting the address below in your browser:<br />
<br /><br />
<br />
Make sure the date range at the top goes back at least to early April, 2009<br />
<br />
The Docket number for Petersburg is&nbsp; P-13364<br />
The Docket number for Wrangell is P-13363<br />
The Docket number for Angoon is&nbsp; P-13366<br />
The Docket number for Cascade Creek LLC is P-12619<br />
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