Petersburg, AK Petersburg’s 2010 Salmon Derby closed Monday evening at 5PM with Gerry Whitethorn in first place. Whitethorn remained at the top with a 45.2 pounder, winning $7,500. Alan Honma, was in second place with a 44.1 pound fish and a cash prize of $3,500. Ken Kvernvik was in third with a 43.5 pounder and $2,750. In addition to the cash prizes, there are also 164 more given out this year. <br />
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Anglers said fishing was slow this year. At 762, the number of derby tickets sold was about par for the last four years but this year, only 232 fish were caught. That is only seven more than last year and much lower than the 453 caught in 2008 and 438 in 2007. However, this year’s derby was graced with warm and sunny weather and an unusual thunder storm arriving only half an hour after the Derby closed. <br />
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Listen to the headline to hear Whitethorn’s comments on winning the Derby.