PETERSBURG, AK A four-day local history project in Petersburg this week is focusing on the formation of a women’s auxiliary network a century ago. It’s part of a larger research effort being conducted by Michelle Dent, who teaches under-graduate writing at New York University. Dent is retracing the 1908 journey of a woman named Mary Hart, commissioned by the Department of the Interior to form a network of women's auxiliaries in Southeast and South-Central Alaska. Hart made her trip in conjunction with the 1909 Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition in Seattle. Dent this summer is stopping in six of the eighteen communities that Hart visited, and holding workshops in each. Joe Viechnicki spoke with Dent about Mary Hart’s work and the history project.
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dent also plans to hold workshops in juneau, haines, cordova and valdez. The sessions are tonight and tomorrow in petersburg from 6-9 p.m.….as well as friday and saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the petersburg lutheran church. People can sign up by calling the library at 772-3349.