"They have some money and they want to spend it on city roads and possibly even some small harbor projects and they didn’t want to plan on something that wasn’t our priority, which is nice of them. So they wanted us to work together, probably have quarterly meetings, to discuss capital project priorities."<br />
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The Petersburg Indian Association already accesses federal funding for work around the community. Tribal Administrator Will Ware says it wants to continue those efforts.<br />
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"We put in about a million dollars a year into roads infrastructure here in Petersburg and surrounding areas. We’ve worked with the Forest Service and we’ve worked with the state of Alaska. We’ve worked pretty well with the city and we want to continue building on those relationships and just doing more for the infrastructure of our community."<br />
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The city is particularly interested in help improving local harbors. Ware says that’s also a possibility. <br />
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"That’s definitely something that our council will take a look at and see if it fits in with our priorities. Certainly, it’s a huge project for our community. And what we need to do now is to take a look at our budget for the next few years and work with our engineer and see if it’s something we can participate in."<br />
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The association is in the process of rebuilding sidewalks along First Street.<br />
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In addition to road work, the tribal government provides education, housing and energy assistance. It also runs first-time home-buyer and Temporary Assistance to Native Families programs.<br />
© Copyright, Narrows Broadcasting Corp.
Council, tribal govt. meet on projects