PETERSBURG, AK 521 people voted yes and 483 voted no on the library measure. The bond issue will complete the funding for a new facility estimated to cost nearly $6.8 million from start to finish. Passage of the bond issue will secure a half million dollar grant from the Rasmuson Foundation. More than half of the project will be funded by a state grant and the rest will come from private donations.<br />
Voters also approved to changes to Petersburg’s sales tax. Ballot measure two passed by the biggest margin among the ballot questions. Nearly 56 percent of voters said yes to the possibility of sales tax free days. The count was 564 in favor, 425 against. That measure will allow the city council to declare up to two days a year free of sales tax on purchases in local stores.<br />
And 54 percent of voters said yes to removing the sales tax exemption for senior citizens and non-profit organizations purchasing alcohol and tobacco. The votes was 547 in favor and 450 against.<br />
There was only one contested race for local office. In a three-person race for two seats on the harbor advisory board David Thynes won one seat with 717 votes, and Jeff Pfundt won the other seat with 584 votes. Incumbent Harold Medalen came in third with 373 votes.<br />
The turnout was the highest for a local election in 12 years. A total of one thousand and ten ballots were cast at the aquatic center Tuesday along with early ballots turned into the city. That’s more than 42 percent of the registered voters in town. There are another 12 early ballots that have not yet been turned in, and another four questioned ballots. Those could change the final numbers, but are not enough to change the outcome of the vote.<br />
Results are unofficial until they’re canvassed by the city council.
Voters approve bond for new library