PETERSBURG This year, hunters shot 36 Bulls on Kupreanof Island. 19 came from the Stikine River drainage. Hunters harvested 12 animals on Mitkof Island. Another six were bagged in Thomas Bay. Four came out of Farragut Bay and another 4 were from Kuiu Island. There were three each shot on Wrangell Island and Port Houghten and one each taken on Etolin and Zarembo Islands. <br />
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Of the total, the Alaska Department of Fish And Game says 11 animals or 12 percent were not legal. Nine of those did not meet the state’s antler requirements. State officials allege the other two were taken by illegal means, like shooting from a boat. <br />
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That’s the highest amount of illegal animals taken in more than a decade. <br />
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Of the legal moose, 51 percent were spike-forks. 29 percent had two brow tines on each side. And 8 percent had 3 brow tines. <br />
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The hunt closed on October 15th.
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