A fundraiser by Petersburg children last year helped pay for a new schoolhouse for young children in a small Ethiopian community. The project was born out of a chance encounter between Petersburg Forest Service Employee Karen Dillman and Peace Corps Volunteers Bob and Nancy Sturtevant of Fort Collins Colorado. Dillman met the Sturdevants on a trip to Wondo Genet, Ethiopia where the couple was working in conservation and natural resource management. Bob is a forester and Nancy has a background in business and information technology. Their meeting with Dillman led to the fundraiser at Stedman Elementary which eventually brought in much of the funding for the schoolhouse. The Sturdevants were in Petersburg this past week to talk about the results and they joined Dillman for an interview with Matt Lichtenstein. He started by asking Nancy about the couple’s decision to join the Peace Corps.
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Photos of the construction:
Local kids help fund Ethiopian school