Sea creatures bring the ‘Eeewww and Awe’ to science
Posted by Angela Denning | Sep 8, 2014
Sunny Rice offers children a feel of the sea life the divers found under the State float plane dock. Photo/Angela Denning
The Rainforest Festival is wrapping up today in Petersburg with a mushroom field trip to the Stinkine River. The festival lasted all last week including a Diving for Science workshop on Thursday. Children and adults crowded the State float plane dock to get a close up look at what lives beneath the surface of the water.
Divers Jeff Meucci and Joe Stratman collected sea creatures from Beacon Point, Five-mile Creek, and then right below the dock itself.
Erin Kandoll shows her 1-year-old niece Zoe Watkins a sea cucumber. Photo/Angela Denning
Among the many finds were crabs, sea cucumbers, and starfish. They were put into plastic totes for all to see and feel.
Sunny Rice helped explain to participants what they all were.
Angela Denning checked it out too and has this audio postcard:
The Diving for Science workshop was one of many events throughout the week in Petersburg’s Rainforest Festival.
Helen Martin, 14, shows participants the lacy looking basket starfish. Martin and other high school students with the Tsunami Bowl volunteered for the Diving for Science workshop. Photo/Angela Denning
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