boroughsealPetersburg Borough Assembly will be considering several issues at its meeting Monday night.

There are two ordinances that are up for public hearings and second readings. One of them would finalize the transfer of City of Petersburg traffic ordinances to Borough Code. The ordinance deals with parking restrictions, curb passenger and freight loading zones and fines for violating those laws.

Also up for a second reading and public hearing is an ordinance that would change the budget for fiscal year 2015. The budget would reflect a request from the fire department for an SUV at a cost of just over $32,000. The fire department could pay for the unit with the Motor Pool Fund which stands at over $34,000. The ordinance would also change the budget to reflect a payment in lieu of taxes to Kupreanof that the assembly approved at its meeting October 6.

The borough assembly will be considering two resolutions under new business. One is from the Petersburg Vessel Owners Association regarding transboundary development such as mining. The group is asking for borough support to urge the federal government to work with Canada to refer development issues to the International Joint Commission. The Commission would be charged with using the Boundary Waters Treaty to ensure Southeast Alaska resources are not harmed by upstream development.

The other resolution would authorize the purchase of portable emergency services radios for the fire and police departments through grant money. The radios are worth nearly $61,000.

The borough is set to consider an amendment to the professional services agreement with Dowl HKM, the engineering group doing work on the Pump Station 1 Force Main Upgrade Project. It would change the total contract to $219,199. The project is being funded through a $270,000 loan from the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation.

The borough assembly does plan on going into executive session for a performance evaluation of Borough Manager Steve Giesbrecht.

The borough assembly’s meeting starts at 7 p.m. on Oct. 20 at the borough chambers. KFSK will be broadcasting the meeting live.