Look out for dozens of kayaks, canoes and other paddle-powered craft in the Wrangell Narrows Saturday, July 18. It’s the second year for the Paddle Battle in the Narrows, a fund raiser for the Petersburg Medical Center Foundation.

Participants in last year’s Paddle Battle take a break along the shoreline at the south end of the Wrangell Narrows.
Participants pay a fee and then solicit pledges for paddling all or part of the distance from Papke’s Landing to Sandy Beach Park. There two shorter paddling options as well this year. Proceeds from the fund raiser this year will help make repairs in the long-term care wing at the medical center, namely a renovation of the shower room. Joe Viechnicki spoke with one of the organizers this year, Kaitlin DuRoss from the PMC physical therapy department.
Participants are asked to attend a safety meeting with the Coast Guard Friday, July 17 at 5:15 p.m. at the Dorothy Ingle conference room at the medical center.