Petersburg Borough Assembly will be meeting Monday at 7 p.m. in regular session to hear an update on the new comprehensive plan. Assembly members will hear from Community and Economic Development Director, Liz Cabrera, about the proposed schedule for the plan.
An ordinance assembly will be considering would rezone a parcel of land on South Third Street from public use to single family mobile home. The lot has been leased to the property owners since 1982. The lessee has filed an application to purchase the 5,000 square foot piece of land. The Planning Commission recommends the rezoning.
Assembly will consider a resolution to purchase $40,000 in pumps for a pump station from Alaska Pump and Supply.
Assembly will also look at a resolution that would adopt an alternative allocation method for the Central Southeast area in the fiscal year 2016 shared fisheries business tax program. The resolution states that all municipalities share equally 50 percent of the allocation and all municipalities share the remaining 50 percent on a per capita basis. The tax goes to municipalities that demonstrate to the Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development that it suffered significant effects during the calendar year 2014 from fisheries business activities. All towns in the region would get about $5,000. Then the borough’s portion per capita would be just over $9,000.
The assembly will hear a view of the fiscal year 2015 audit from its auditor, Michelle Drew.
The meeting is at 7 p.m. Monday in borough assembly chambers. KFSK will broadcast the meeting live.