Police arrested a Petersburg man at the airport Monday morning for allegedly bringing more heroin to town.
In a press release, the Southeast Alaska Cities Against Drugs (SEACAD) task force says it seized an estimated 220 doses of heroin, with help from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Petersburg police arrested 27-year-old Marvin Jackson and he’s facing two charges of misconduct involving a controlled substance in the second and fourth degree.
In a court document, authorities say Jackson was arrested after arriving in Petersburg on Alaska Airlines flight 65 Monday morning. Police say they searched Jackson’s belongings and found 22 grams of heroin inside a shampoo bottle along with hypodermic needles.
Jackson had a felony first appearance at the Petersburg court Tuesday morning. Bail was set a five thousand dollars and he did post bail Tuesday. He has a long list of conditions to remain out on bail, including not leaving Petersburg without court permission and a nighttime curfew. Jackson was appointed the public defender and has another court appearance scheduled for February 8th.
It’s the second arrest for heroin in Petersburg in as many weeks.