The bids are in for a planned renovation of Petersburg’s police station, jail and municipal building and it looks like the borough has the money needed to do the project.

Architect Corey Wall of MRV Architects opened bids Thursday afternoon in Juneau while officials in Petersburg listened in by telephone.

The apparent low bid was submitted by a Juneau company called MCG Constructors Incorporated-DCI Joint Venture. That company bid just over 6.3 million dollars to do the bulk of the renovation, along with over half a million dollars worth of add-ons to the project.

The next closest bid was from Alaska Commercial Contractors of Juneau for more than six point four million. Other bids came from two Anchorage companies, F&W Construction and Unit Company.

Borough manager Steve Giesbrecht was excited about the numbers Thursday. “Looks really good,” Giesbrecht said. “Course that will be up to the assembly but looks like it came in quite a bit under the projected budget. We’re gonna look at the alternates now. There’s at least one of those, the elevator, we really kindof wanted to do. The others were, not necessarily have to be done. The elevator was a concern because long-term we’d have to do it anyway. Again, excited, looks good, glad we got this far. Now we gotta make sure we get all the numbers right and get it to the assembly.”

Those add-ons include replacing the elevator in the municipal building, redoing the roof and doing some work on the parking lot on the south side of the building.

MRV architects drawing December 2015, northeast corner of the renovated municipal building

MRV architects drawing December 2015, northeast corner of the renovated municipal building

The overall project is expected to cost around 10 million dollars. Part of that cost is design and engineering work along with the rent for moving the borough offices to another location for about a year while the construction is underway. Those costs are on top of the price for the construction work.

The borough is planning to pay for the renovation with several state grants, proceeds from the sale of some land and other money the municipality has set aside for the project. That may include a loan from the Power and Light department.

The manager is recommending the contract go to MCG Constructors Incorporated for the total bid of more 6.8 million dollars. The borough assembly is expected to consider the contract award at a special meeting March 11th.

MRV architects, first floor containing new police station and jail

MRV architects, first floor containing new police station and jail

MRV architects, second floor with borough administration offices and assembly chamber

MRV architects, second floor with borough administration offices and assembly chamber