In the high school comedy, Chauncy Sandhofer plays the mayor of a tiny Hawaiian town while Erin Pfundt plays his assistant. Photo/Angela Denning
Tonight is the opening night of Petersburg’s High School play, “Miniloha Luau”. The performance tells the story of three couples who are vacationing in Hawaii while the mayor of the tiny tropical town tries to figure out how to save the village. The play runs tonight and tomorrow night at the Wright Audorium. Angela Denning stopped by dress rehearsal Thursday night for a sneak peek.
Gus Petersen and Helen Martin portray a couple from New York City in the play. Photo/Angela Denning
The play, “Miniloha Luau” starts at the Wright Auditorium at 7 p.m. tonight and Saturday night. The performance lasts about an hour and a half.
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