Petersburg’s borough assembly didn’t have the numbers present to hold a meeting Monday, July 3. The meeting was not cancelled ahead of the noon start time. Instead, some of the assembly, staff and members of the public turned out to the assembly chambers and waited to see who would show up.

Mayor Cindi Lagoudakis and assembly members Bob Lynn and Nancy Strand were present at the borough assembly chambers. Assembly member Eric Castro called in by phone. Not present were Kurt Wohlhueter, Jeigh Stanton Gregor and Jeff Meucci.

Mayor Lagoudakis explained there would be no meeting. “So we do not have a quorum,” she explained. “We have to have four physically present. In that event these agenda items will carry forward to the next meeting. I guess with that we conclude the meeting. We don’t even need a motion to adjorn. And I thank you all for your time. I’m sorry that folks took the time to come.”

Monday’s assembly agenda had at least one time-sensitive item. That’s the bid award for the remodel of the Petersburg Municipal Power and Light building downtown. Rainforest Contracting of Petersburg was the low bidder of three companies interested in doing that work. Rainforest’s bid was 538,600 dollars. The three bids the borough received are valid until July 7th. The assembly at its last meeting voted to postpone a decision on the bid award until this meeting. Borough manager Steve Giesbrecht said he’s hoping the construction company is willing to honor that bid until the assembly’s next meeting. That’s scheduled for July 17th.