Ed Lyman (left) shows off his whale entanglement tools at a public presentation in Petersburg. Photo – Nora Saks.
When whales and other marine mammals get caught in nets, fishing gear, and other flotsam and jetsam, they often need humans’ help getting free.
Ed Lyman is the go-to expert on such incidents. He’s a Large Whale Entanglement Response Coordinator for the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries and has been involved with close to 100 entanglements.
Based in Hawaii, he comes north with the whales during the summer to work with NOAA Fisheries and help coordinate regional efforts in Alaska. Lyman was in Petersburg in late June to train volunteers from the Petersburg Marine Mammal Center.
KFSK reporter Nora Saks spoke with Lyman about his almost twenty five years in this role, and how he does his job.
If you do spot a marine mammal in trouble, contact the 24 hour statewide hotline at
(877) 925-7773.