So, how does the local emergency response leader think it went in Petersburg? Sandy Dixson says “pretty well”.
Dixson is the Fire- EMS Director and the Emergency Manager for the Petersburg Borough. She told KFSK’s Angela Denning that, like many others, she woke up early Tuesday to a message on her phone from the statewide alert system.
Petersburg has only one emergency siren located on top of the middle school but the alarm cannot be heard all over town. With funding from a NOAA tsunami grant, two new sirens are to be installed by the end of March. One will be near the ball fields and one near Scow Bay, which the borough hopes will reach more residents on the outskirts of town.
To receive emergency warnings by phone or e-mail, you can register through a link on KFSK’s website or through the borough’s website. The Code Red system does not sell your identity information to marketers.
Some statistics from this Tuesday: The local response system called 2,879 numbers and there was a 78 percent connection rate. There were also 768 e-mails that successfully went through and 513 texts.