The Petersburg School board is meeting Tuesday at 7 p.,m. in the Middle and High School library.
The school board will hear about new personnel hire for the coming school year. There are four new teachers and several new aides. The new teachers include Shannon Vandervest at the grade school, teaching first grade. At the middle school, Mikalai Potrzuski will teach social studies. At the high school, Tim Shumway will teach language arts. Jenna Turner is the new middle and high school counselor. She took Rachel Etcher’s spot who moved to the grade school to replace Joyce Burk-Biggs who retired.
The school board meeting will be the first one for new school board member, Katie Holmlund. She replaces Janine Gibbons who resigned in June. It will be a short appointment, only lasting until the October 2 election. There are three school board seats up for that election. Holmlund can also run for one of those seats.
There will be administrative reports from the superintendent, the principals, the activities director, and the maintenance director. The school board will hear about the list of future capital improvement projects that the district has for fiscal year 2020.
The board will also be going over a clarification to the district’s tobacco, alcohol and drug policy.
The school board will be meeting in the high school library Tuesday at 7 p.m. It is open to the public. KFSK will broadcast the meeting live. Also, tune in to KFSK Tuesday for Campus Connection, a call-in program with district officials who will be discussing the meeting agenda. Campus Connection follows the Midday Magazine at 12:30 p.m.