A drift gillnetter targets salmon in Frederick Sound near Petersburg. (Photo courtesy of Cindi Lagoudakis)
Petersburg is the sixth stop out of seven for a series of workshops on fishing families and how they are responding to management changes. Researchers with NOAA Fisheries’ Alaska Fisheries Science Center are hoping to hear from fishermen and their families. Joe Viechnicki spoke with Marysia Szymkowiak, a social scientist with the National Marine Fisheries Service, about what she’s hoping for from Monday’s workshop.
The research could help inform future decisions by the North Pacific Fisheries Management Council. Other workshops have already been held in Juneau, Homer, Sitka, Anchorage and Kodiak. Another is planned in Cordova. The one in Petersburg is tonight, Monday September 17 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. in the Scandia House conference room.