Many adults today didn’t have Internet when they were kids. They sure didn’t have smart phones, which became popular just over a decade ago. Still, adults are managing the youth who are using all of this new technology.
So, how are they supposed to do that?
An expert on cyber safety is coming to Petersburg Thursday to talk to the community about just that. Frederick Lane will be lecturing all day to different age groups at the schools and then later that evening to the public. Lane has written three books on what he calls Cybertraps. He spoke with KFSK’s Angela Denning about his work and says Cybertraps is the idea that there are unexpected outcomes of using digital devices.
Lane is the author of eight books. He also wrote a free E-book called, Raising Cyberethical Kids.
He will be speaking to the Petersburg community Thursday, Feb. 21, 6–7:30 p.m. at the Wright Auditorium. His visit is sponsored by the Petersburg School District.
Here is Lane’s full 15 minute interview with KFSK :
Here is his schedule for Thursday in Petersburg:
8:30-9:30 — Petersburg High School (grades 9-12)
9:45-10:45 — Mitkof Middle School (grades 6-8)
11:00-12:00 — School Board, Admin, and School Leaders
1:15-2:15– Rae C. Stedman Elementary (grades 3-5)
2:40- 3:45– All Staff at Petersburg School District
6:00-7:30 — Community Event, Wright Auditorium