Sport anglers can keep king salmon in one area near Petersburg starting Saturday, June 1st.
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game announced the opening for the Wrangell Narrows and Blind Slough terminal harvest area. That stretches from Martinsen’s dock in Scow Bay to the northern end of Woewodski Island. Anglers in that area can keep two fish over 28 inches and two under 28 inches, starting June 1st.
Another area near Petersburg, around City Creek, opens to fishing on June 15. The City Creek open area is a little larger than it has been in past years. It stretches from Hungry Point to a spot east of City Creek. The bag and possession limit there is one king salmon of any size.
Both fisheries are targeting chinook produced by the Crystal Lake Hatchery. King salmon sport fishing has been closed on most of the inside waters of Southeast Alaska for the second spring, to conserve wild stocks returning to the region’s rivers.