The Petersburg Indian Association is putting on two cultural camps this month. The first runs Thursday, August 8th through Sunday, August 11th and is open to all ages. A youth camp for students in grades four and up will be held August 17th to 21st on Vank Island between Petersburg and Wrangell, where participants will stay in cabins. Both are open to anyone in the community, not just PIA members. Guylynn Etcher is organizing the events and spoke with KFSK’s Ari Snider to give a preview of what’s in store.
The community cultural camp costs $25 and it will run from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day at Sandy Beach Park. The youth camp costs $100. For more information and to register, contact Guylynn Etcher by email at jom@piatribal.org or by phone, 772-3636.