Haines author Heather Lende is reading from her 2015 book “Find the Good: unexpected life lessons from a small-town obituary writer” throughout the state this year by videoconference. On Thursday, November 5th she’ll be reading for Petersburg listeners on KFSK and answering questions. Lende’s third book was selected for the Alaska Reads program for 2020. She also released her latest offering this June, “Of Bear and Ballots,” detailing her experience on the Haines borough assembly and surviving a recall election. But her third book “Find the Good” focuses on some of the personal connections she’s made through a career writing obituaries for the Haines newspaper. She also writes about embracing the role of grandmother in her expanding family. Joe Viechnicki spoke with her about reading this book to Alaskan audiences during this pandemic and political year.
Lende will be reading and answering listeners’ questions Thursday from 10-11 a.m. during the library hour. She encourages people to call in with questions. KFSK’s number is 772-3808.