A new positive case of COVID-19 was identified in Petersburg. The case is travel related. The person tested at the Petersburg airport upon arrival and it was a positive result.
According to the Emergency Operations Center, the person had been isolating since arriving into town and posed a low risk to others.
The current community risk level will continue to be in the Yellow (Low Risk) status. That means that cases are rarely occurring in town and there are no cases among local healthcare workers.
EOC encourages Alaskan residents who travel into Petersburg to take advantage of the free follow up testing 5-10 days after arrival. People can register through the Alaska Travel Portal in advance to save time at the airport.
Community members may receive free asymptomatic COVID testing by calling the Petersburg Medical Center Clinic at 772-4299. Health providers encourage anyone with symptoms to call PMC’s COVID hotline at 772-5788.
This latest case is the only active case in Petersburg now. There have been a total of 54 COVID cases in Petersburg; 41 of those were residents.
As of Monday afternoon, there were 54 COVID tests pending through PMC.
Twenty percent of the local population has been vaccinated.
Statistics of Petersburg’s COVID-19 are updated here.