There are two active COVID cases in Petersburg now.
A new positive case was announced today. The case is related to the one announced Monday, which was travel related. The new person is considered to be a close contact of the previous case and is experiencing symptoms.
According to Petersburg’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC), the individual is isolating and Public Health has been notified.
The EOC is asking all residents to take action to mitigate the potential spread of the virus.
If you have symptoms, call the Petersburg Medical Center (PMC) COVID Hotline at 772-5788 for medical advice. They ask that people not go to the hospital or clinic before calling the hotline. Free asymptomatic COVID testing for community members is available by appointment by calling the PMC Clinic at 772-4299.
The current community risk level will continue to be in the Yellow (Low Risk) status. That means that cases are rarely occurring in town and there are no cases among local healthcare workers.
As of Wednesday morning, there were 40 pending COVID tests through PMC.
Twenty percent of the local population has been vaccinated. There is another vaccination clinic planned in Petersburg Friday.
For statistics on COVID in Petersburg, visit the Petersburg COVID Dashboard.
For information on Petersburg mitigation efforts, visit https://www.psgcovidinfo.net/.
EOC asks people to visit CDC’s webpage for further information on symptoms and precautionary measures at www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/.