Petersburg’s borough assembly Monday voted to reduce and simplify membership and day pass fees for the community gym and pool.
It was the third and final reading for an ordinance to revise charges for using the community center. The proposal makes it free for anyone under 18 to use the recreation facility. And the assembly took that one step further, including teens who may still be in high school but are over 18. That was on the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation advisory board.
“There are local students who continue in the school system at the age of 19 based on when their birthday falls or on their academic progress,” said Stephanie Hayes, the board’s vice chair. “We do not want to financially punish students with valid standing in a local school.”
The advisory board recommended passage of the fee changes with that amendment. The revision gets rid of an additional charge for people who are not residents of the borough. It also eliminates a family membership discount, although families may not miss that with kids getting in for free. And it will end a discount for seniors. People 65 and older may be able to reduce their membership charge with volunteer hours at the facility.
For people 18 and older the new fees are five dollars for a one-time use of the gym or pool. An annual pass is 300 dollars and a punch pass for 24 visits is $48 dollars, which is roughly half the old cost.
The facility saw multiple closures in 2020 because of an electrical fire, a leak, heating and ventilation problems and the COVID pandemic.
The assembly approved the new fees with the amendment for students still enrolled in Petersburg schools and the vote was unanimous by a full assembly. The changes take effect immediately.