Chive shoots poke out of soil. (Photo by Lisa Schramek Adams)

The Market in Petersburg plans to hold in-person markets this summer, which will be outdoors every two weeks.

Leading up to the season, The Market is giving away min-grants to residents willing to sell some of their produce.  Farragut Farms has been a large contributor to the Market for many years but they have developed their own storefront. They and others in the Market hope the mini-grants will encourage more local food producers to participate.

Lisa Schramek Adams is a board member for The Market. She says they hope to give out several grants of up to $500 each. The deadline to apply is March 24. She says there aren’t many strings attached to the grants but they would like a commitment from people to sell at half of the markets this summer.

Applications need to be emailed to the Market by 9 p.m. on March 24. The address is

The Market is run mostly by volunteers but they do hire a part-time market manager for the summer. The organization plans to start advertising for that position soon.

Image courtesy of The Market