Music fans in Petersburg will be treated to more outdoor concerts this year in what’s called the Moving Music Concert Series. The series is a partnership between the Petersburg Arts Council and the Petersburg Borough’s Parks and Rec Department.
Sarah Hanson-Hofstetter is a singer songwriter with the arts council and Stephanie Payne is the Director of Parks and Rec. They spoke with KFSK’s Angela Denning about the concert series and the plans for this summer.
Hanson-Hofstetter says she had been organizing local concerts prior to the pandemic and was looking for a way to continue live music.
The Arts Council and Parks and Rec are working with the Emergency Operation Center in preparing for the shows.
For the Fishermen’s Memorial concert, Glo Wollen gave the approval to use the space as Chair of the Board.
If you are not available to attend the concerts in person, you can watch them online on the Petersburg Parks and Rec Facebook page where they are recording them live.
Hanson-Hofstetter says they are always looking for new artists to perform 15 – 20 minute sets for the concerts. She can be reached at (907) 978-6365.