A new COVID case was announced in Petersburg Tuesday evening. It’s the fourth active case in town. The other three cases were identified last week.
Like the others, the new case is travel related. The person has been told to isolate by Public Health and contact tracing is underway.
The current community risk level continues to be low, the school district risk level is low, and the hospital’s level is moderate. The weekly positivity rate is 1.1 percent with 49 tests pending as of May 12.
COVID testing is currently free for all travelers at the Petersburg airport, regardless of residency, and it is strongly recommended. Testing is required for anyone who is not fully vaccinated and arriving in Petersburg from out of state. Free follow up testing is also recommended 5-14 days after arrival at the airport.
The Emergency Operations Center is asking residents to continue good masking, hand hygiene, proper social distancing and to avoid crowds.
Ketchikan, located south of Petersburg, has moved to a “very high” risk status because of a recent outbreak. Nearby Metlakatla is also on temporary lockdown due to increase cases there.