A new COVID case was announced in Petersburg Saturday evening. It’s the fifth active case in town.
Like the others, the new case is also travel related. The person, who is a non-resident, arrived from out of town earlier in the week and tested at the Petersburg airport. The positive test result returned Saturday but by then the person was already in Juneau. They are isolating there and contact tracing is underway.
The current community risk level continues to be low, the risk level at the school district is low, and the hospital’s level is moderate. The weekly positivity rate is 1.6 percent with 46 tests pending as of May 17.
COVID testing is free for all travelers at the Petersburg airport and is strongly recommended. Testing is required for anyone who is not fully vaccinated and arriving in Petersburg from out of state. Free follow up testing is also recommended 5-14 days after arrival at the airport.
Testing for people with symptoms is free at PMC. The number to call is 772-5788.
The Emergency Operations Center is asking residents to not be complacent about COVID mitigations so that the schools and businesses can stay open, which includes maintaining good masking and hand hygiene, proper social distancing and avoidance of crowds.