Petersburg Medical Center Thursday reported another COVID-19 case in Petersburg. The latest positive comes from a passenger visiting from out-of-state on a cruise ship.
It’s the third case reported in Petersburg this week after several weeks without any active cases.
A press release from the medical center does not identify the cruise ship. Petersburg had one on the schedule in port for Thursday and two on Friday, July 8th and 9th.
According to their websites, all the small ship cruise lines now calling in Petersburg require COVID vaccination for their passengers who are old enough to receive a shot. Some of those ships have their passengers visiting local shops and circulating in the community while others are opting to keep separate.
The medical center says cruise ship staff performed a screening antigen test, which returned a positive test result. The passenger was taken to the local hospital and the positive result was confirmed. The person is isolating in Petersburg.
State contact tracers will conduct an investigation of close contacts. Other cases were reported Tuesday for two residents of Petersburg.
The medical center’s phone number for information on symptoms, testing and vaccination is 772-5788.