2020 Census data is being released for communities throughout the state. Petersburg’s in-town population grew by 95 people over the last decade. The town now has a population of 3,043. The population of the whole borough is 3,398 people, which includes residents living spread out near Mitkof Island and the nearby tiny city of Kupreanof. Kupreanof has 21 residents, which is down six people.
The Petersburg Borough was incorporated in 2013, part-way through the census cycle. The borough is now 73 percent white and 27 percent other races. The borough broken down by race looks like this:
2,470 white
247 Alaska Native or American Indians
164 Hispanics
123 Asians
49 African Americans
12 Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islanders and
61 people who identify with another race not listed
436 people listed two or more races.
Around the region, the city and borough of Wrangell has 2,127 residents, which is down 242 people.
Kake has 543 residents, down 14.
Point Baker has 12 people, Port Protection 36, and Coffman Cove 127, which is down 49 people.
Whale Pass has 86 residents, which is up 55 people.
Naukiti has 142 residents, up 29 people.
Port Alexander has 78, up 26 and Thorne Bay has 476 residents, up five.
Information about housing and age demographics is still coming.