The Petersburg borough had interest in all three parcels of land up for sale by sealed-bid auction this month.
Two of the pieces of land were seized by the borough for non-payment of property taxes and put up for sale. Those are both on Kupreanof Island near some hunting and fishing lodges, across from Blind Slough. The smallest of the three saw the most interest. It comes in at under one third of an acre and had a minimum bid of $6,740. That lot saw four bids with Rick Braun offering the most at $15,001.
The largest lot is also on Kupreanof, around three quarters of an acre. It had a minimum bid of $15,640. Max Craske submitted the only bid above that minimum at $18,500.
The third lot had been for sale in the past but did not draw any buyers until this year. It’s just under half an acre at 306 Sandy Beach Road. It’s the only one of the three near any public utilities and had a minimum bid of $60,220. There were two offers for that. Chad Villamor put in the high bid at $71,099.
Borough clerk Debbie Thompson unsealed and read the bids at a meeting Monday, August 23rd.
“The highest bids will be put before the borough assembly at their September 7th meeting which will be at noon and at that point, once approved, I will ask the winning bidders to sign contracts of sale and we’ll get the whole purchase process started,” Thompson said during that meeting.
It means the auction could net the borough a total of $104,600. That goes into a property development fund that the borough can use for purchasing or improving other land or buildings.