Petersburg’s municipal government launched a new website Monday.
The Petersburg borough’s new online address is petersburgak.gov. Borough manager Steve Giesbrecht said the new site should make it easier to get out information.
“It’s easier to get around and it’s with a different company than we used to use who provided that,” Giesbrecht said. “It allows us to do a lot more stuff ourselves that helps us organize information. One of the things we found with COVID was just communicating was difficult to get stuff out fast. Our old website was a little clunky and hopefully this one will be a little easier when it comes to getting information out to the public.”
Giesbrecht said borough librarian Tara Alcock took on the project to update the content and get it moved over to the new site.
“So far so good,” he said Tuesday. “We had a little bit of wrinkle in that everybody outside of our building could see it yesterday and everybody inside had some issues with it. So I think she’s worked through that with our (technology) folks and looking pretty good.”
He expects there will be more fine tuning over the first weeks of using the new site. And he encourages feedback on functions that work well or don’t work for the public.
The new site has a banner across the top that directs people to COVID-19 information. It also has sections for paying bills, borough news, job opportunities, a calendar and meetings. Other options on the front page include a section for businesses, residents and visitors and frequently asked questions.
People who still visit the old city of Petersburg site (ci.petersburg.ak.us) will be directed to this new location.