Hunters continue to report success in the month-long moose season on the islands and mainland of central Southeast Alaska around Petersburg, Wrangell and Kake. Halfway through the season the Alaska Department of Fish and Game reports a harvest of 66 bull moose.
The vast majority of those have come from just two islands. 18 legal moose have been shot near Kake on the western side of Kupreanof Island. Another 12 have been taken on the remainder of that island, along with one that does not meet the state’s requirements for antler size or configuration. That’s a total of 31 so far from Kupreanof (COO-preh-noff).
Further to the west, hunters have also reported shooting 18 on Kuiu Island.
There have been eight killed on the Stikine River and three on Wrangell Island. The tally for Mitkof Island near Petersburg is still one legal and one illegal moose. The remaining moose reported have been taken on various parts of the mainland.
Hunting continues through October 15th.