The new legislative boundaries adopted by the Alaska Redistricting Board Friday would keep Petersburg in a Sitka House district.
Petersburg would be part of House district 2 along with Sitka, Kake, most communities on Prince of Wales Island, Hoonah, Angoon, Yakutat and several other small towns. It’s close to the status quo but extends the district from Yakutat in the north to the southern tip of Prince of Wales. It would gain Yakutat and Hydaburg but lose Coffman Cove and Whale Pass to the Ketchikan district.
The Petersburg borough assembly earlier this month supported a plan drafted by the Alaska Senate minority that was similar but had some differences. That one proposed to include Wrangell in the Sitka district instead of Craig and Klawock. Instead, the board’s final plan puts Wrangell, Coffman Cove and Metlakatla in a Ketchikan district. It follows the Petersburg borough’s southern boundary for separating House districts one and two. The adopted plan leaves Southeast Alaska with four house districts.