Petersburg on Friday saw its first drop in active COVID-19 cases in over a week.
The Petersburg Medical Center reported 76 active cases in the community, 51 of those in the past seven days. It’s also reporting a testing positivity rate remaining at nearly 23 percent and 60 tests still pending.
The number is dropping because some of people sick with COVID are no longer considered at risk of spreading it to others and are advised to end their isolation period. Petersburg has seen a total of 425 cases since the start of the pandemic. 36 of those are attributed to non-residents. Well over half of Petersburg’s cases (248) have been reported since the end of June when Petersburg went to green status and ended its emergency operations center and health mandates. Roughly one quarter of Petersburg’s total has been recorded this month.
The borough has a face covering requirement for all indoor public settings and borough buildings remain closed to the public and in-person activities.
Cases for students and staff at Petersburg schools dropped to 35 on Friday, with 21 at the elementary school, six in the middle school and eight at the high school. Another 24 are in quarantine.