Lawmakers are gathering in Juneau this month for the start of the second regular session of the 32nd Alaska Legislature.
Petersburg’s representative in the Alaska House returns for his tenth year in the capital. Sitka Democrat Jonathan Kreiss-Tomkins went into last year’s regular session with a priority of passing a constitutional amendment capping the amount that can be spent from the earnings of the Alaska Permanent Fund. His bill hasn’t made it yet out of committees in the House.
This year Kreiss-Tomkins says he still wants to see the legislature pass some solutions for the state’s chronic budget imbalance.
Joe Viechnicki spoke with him by phone about his priorities in 2022.
That’s Sitka Democratic representative Jonathan Kreiss-Tomkins. Of the 284 bills introduced since the start of last year, just 37 have passed both the House and Senate , along with another 20 resolutions. Kreiss-Tomkins has introduced 10 bills and resolutions and has seen two of them pass both chambers.
The regular session started Tuesday, January 18th.
KFSK has requested a similar interview with state Senator Bert Stedman but hasn’t heard back from his office on that request.