Petersburg’s borough assembly Monday will hold a regular meeting to consider rate hikes for water and sewer and budget adjustments for the current fiscal year.
The assembly will hold a public hearing as well as vote on the proposed budget changes. The adjustments include $35,000 for a Cat inframe overhaul for the electric department, $70,000 for the purchase of a new flatbed plow truck for the Harbor Department, and $35,684 for rooftop snow removal and electrical expenses at Parks and Rec. The ordinance would also accept $1,430,892 in federal ARPA grant money or what’s the American Rescue Plan Act.
The assembly will also consider two new ordinances to increase water and sewer rates. The proposals would increase rates by 12 percent over the next four years, at three percent each year. The rates haven’t been increased since 2018. A study in 2019 by a company contracted by the borough recommended the increases. Borough Utility Director, Karl Hagerman, says they’re necessary to keep up with increased costs and expenses.
The assembly will also consider a resolution approving the purchase of large, commercial AMI meters for the Harbor Department at a price of $32,416.20. AMI stands for Advanced Metering Infrastructure, which are meters that can be read automatically and remotely. The borough’s long term plan is to have all large electrical commercial customers using the units. The Harbor is one of the first places to start the new system.
The borough assembly meeting starts at 6 p.m. in borough assembly chambers and online.
Here is the link to attend online.
You can get more information from the borough clerk’s office at 907-772-5405.
KFSK will broadcast the meeting live.