Petersburg Borough Municipal Election ballots have been reprinted because of a mistake. A candidate for the Harbor and Ports Advisory Board was accidentally left off the ballot. The Petersburg Borough reprinted the ballot with the name included.
The full list of candidates for the Harbor and Ports Advisory Board is: Raliegh Cook, Casey Knight, John Murgas, and Scott Roberge. Roberge was left off the first ballot. You can find a sample ballot here.
If you voted before September 27 this year, you can re-vote. Clerk Debbie Thompson says to reach out by phone or email. That includes people who voted early or by absentee ballot.
Thompson told KFSK, “Due to the error that was made during the initial ballot preparation, any early or absentee voters who voted prior to Tuesday, September 27th, may re-vote a new ballot by contacting me at the borough clerk’s office at 907-772-5405 or by email at dthompson@petersburgak.gov.”
Clerk Thompson apologizes for any inconvenience that this error may cause. Again, you can call or email her to get a new ballot.