Petersburg’s Borough Assembly has a short agenda ahead of its January 2nd meeting. As KFSK’s Shelby Herbert reports, the Assembly is scheduled to look over a list of projects for the new year. 

After the Assembly looks at the updated list of this year’s capital projects, they’ll decide which ones will receive top priority.

One of the new projects on the list, which are listed in the Borough’s agenda packet, would repair parts of the Papke’s Landing float dock, which has been deteriorating for decades. The repairs to the ramp, dock, and dredging proposed by Borough Manager Steve Giesbrecht have an estimated price tag of $800,000. A couple of other new projects would upgrade Petersburg’s assisted living facility kitchen and parking lot, which would cost about $300,000 and $10,000, respectively. 

Also at today’s meeting, State Fire Marshal Lloyd Nakano will present the 2023 Ken Akerley Fire Service Leadership Award to one of Petersburg’s volunteer firefighters. The state award recognizes firefighters who showcase extraordinary commitment to leading their fire department, and who have earned the trust and respect of their team. The Petersburg Volunteer Fire Department declined to identify the recipient of the award before today’s meeting, saying: “it’s a surprise.”

At the end of the meeting, the Assembly will go into an executive session — closed to the public —  to discuss negotiations with the Petersburg Indian Association for the sale of borough land. The Assembly voted in early December to sell about eight acres to the Tribe. PIA plans to build a subdivision of about 40 to 60 rental units on that parcel of land.

The Assembly will hold its regular meeting at 12 noon today in the assembly chambers. KFSK will broadcast this meeting live and post the recordings in our Assembly Archive. Anyone from the community can join the meeting in person, by phone, or on Zoom. There’s more information on KFSK’s community calendar.