Chad Wright is no longer the Tribal Administrator at Petersburg Indian Association. He turned in a letter of resignation last Wednesday, January 10, which the outgoing tribal council accepted.
Wright’s resignation came just two days after the annual tribal election. Four candidates challenged five incumbents. The challengers ran on a united ticket, and won in a landslide. The election results were canvassed last Wednesday, January 10, the same day Wright turned in his letter of resignation. The challengers have been vocal about frustration with what they saw as a lack of transparency on the part of the Petersburg Indian Association tribal council and administration. They say that lack of transparency created distrust among tribal members.
Wright’s last day as Tribal Administrator was Monday, January 15. He held the position for just under two years.
In a post announcing the resignation on Facebook, the outgoing tribal council said “The decision as to how to fill the void his departure will create will be that of the newly constituted council.” They added “On behalf of the staff, we want to thank Chad for his leadership, friendship, and service.” Comments on the Facebook post are turned off.
Wright did not respond to repeated requests for comment.
The new Tribal Council members and Tribal President will be sworn in at the regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, January 17. The meeting takes place at 5 p.m. at 15 North 12th Street and is open to the public. The agenda can be found here.