More and more cases of measles have been documented in the United States over the last two years. And there have already been 41 cases of measles in the first two months of this year, compared to the 58 cases in all of 2023. But while measles has been reported in 16 states, it has not yet reached Alaska. Petersburg and Wrangell’s Public Health Nurse Erin Michael is hoping travelers enjoying the upcoming spring break don’t get the highly contagious virus.
Michael sat down with KFSK’s Hannah Flor to talk about the symptoms and transmission of measles. She says there are multiple reasons for the recent increase in cases.
Michael says N95 masks can help decrease the transmission of measles, and are available for free at the Petersburg Public Health Clinic. Michael encourages anyone unsure about measles vaccine status to call the Petersburg Public Health Center at (907) 772-4611. She says even last minute vaccinations do help with immunity.