Most of the candidates on October’s municipal ballot turned in their paperwork in the final days of the month-long filing period. Only three candidates had filed for public office this time last week. Petersburg Borough Clerk Debbie Thompson said that’s not the norm.
“Usually they come in pretty steady during the filing period,” she said. “So this year is a little bit unusual. I’m wondering if it’s because our weather’s been real nice…”
She was worried that the ballot would have lots of unfilled positions. But in the last few days, a wave of filings came in.
However there are still three unfilled seats on the ballot – two on the Planning Commission and one on the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. Thompson said that gives community members a chance to try out the position for just one year.
“If we don’t have anyone run for a seat, and therefore it’s vacant, after the election, the assembly will request letters of interest from community members that might want to fill that vacant seat until the next October election, and they will appoint someone,” she said.
However, it’s possible that those seats won’t need to be appointed by the borough assembly, because there’s still a chance to file as a write-in candidate. Those candidates wouldn’t be on the ballot, but their votes would be counted. Unofficial write-ins won’t get counted. Write-in candidates can run for all boards except the borough assembly. Letter of intent forms can be picked up at the Borough administration office, the deadline to file as a write-in candidate is Friday, September 27 at 4:30 p.m. Early voting starts Wednesday, September 11.
Candidates having second thoughts about running for office have until Friday, August 23 at 4:30 p.m. to withdraw and remove their name from the ballot.
The municipal election will be held Tuesday, October 1. The deadline to register to vote in the election is Sunday, September 1. Voter registration forms are also available at the front desk of the Borough administration office Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. You can register to vote online as well.