Petersburg’s Borough Assembly is asking for public input on an ordinance intended to discourage the owners of inactive vessels from taking up moorage space in the local harbors.
At the November 18 borough assembly meeting, residents can comment on a rule that would impose new storage fees on boats that the borough deems to be inactive. It received unanimous support from the assembly in its first reading.
In other unfinished business, the assembly is scheduled to take a final vote on an ordinance that would change how the borough goes about selling off its tidelands. The new rule would require that borough-owned tidelands be sold at or above their appraised value. It would also obligate the buyer to pay for the appraisal of the land.
The assembly will also take a final vote on an ordinance to raise fees at Mountain View Manor. The assisted living facility’s rates haven’t changed in several years, despite rising inflation and utility expenses. The ordinance would increase the facility’s food costs for all residents by $100 per month. It would also charge new Mountain View Manor residents a one-time fee of $2,000.
At their last meeting on November 4, assembly members voted to tweak the ordinance to refund the $2,000 fee if a resident moves out of the facility within six months of moving in.
Petersburg’s Borough Assembly will meet at 6:00 p.m. on November 18 in the Assembly Chambers of the municipal building. KFSK will broadcast that meeting live and post the recording in our Borough Assembly Archive. There’s more information on KFSK’s Community Calendar.