Author: kfskadmin

Commercial, Charter fleets at odds on Halibut cut

Members of the region’s commercial fishing industry are not happy about an effort by the charter fleet to rework southeast Alaska halibut catch limits for the upcoming year. The charter fleet is asking the International Pacific Halibut Commission to change the way it calculates the projected 2008 charter catch. Both the commercial and charter sectors are facing major cuts to the amount of halibut they will allowed to catch as the commission meets this week (1/15/08)

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Water rate hike finalized on split vote

Petersburg customers will see higher water bills this month. The city council finalized the water-rate increase Monday. Charges will go up 25 percent this month and another 15 percent in July. The final rate-hike is smaller than the original measure recommended by the city’s staff and advisory board. That ordinance would have resulted in a 62 percent hike in service fees and a 41 percent hike in the commodity charge over the next three years. In order to compensate for the smaller increase, the amended ordinance also includes a controversial provision forgiving the utility’s debt to the city’s general fund. The idea prompted some public opposition and resulted in a split council vote.

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New Director at Senior Housing

Petersburg’s senior housing facility is fully-staffed and almost fully-occupied. There are no vacancies at Mountain View Manor Assisted-Living and just three openings on the independent-living side.
The manor also has a new director. Registered nurse Brie Hayes took over late this fall from long-time elderly housing manager Nancy Reed, who has since retired. Hayes was originally hired as the first director of nursing services for the new assisted –living wing in the summer of 2005.
The City Council approved her hire as the overall Manor director this fall. Along with patient care, communication with family members and coordination with the hospital clinic, Hayes is also responsible for budgeting, staffing and making sure the facility meets government standards and requirements.
The Manor also now has a committee to help address resident needs and concerns. That includes Manor residents June Vick and Bev Hammer as well as food-service board member Jeanie Norheim, City Councilor Melinda Hofstad and Brie Hayes. Matt Lichtenstein stopped by the Manor this week to talk with Hayes about her work and some of the changes at the senior-housing complex.

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Third man sentenced in Petersburg murder case

One of three men accused of the 2005 murder of Michael Gerber in Petersburg was sentenced Friday for a much lesser offense.
42-year-old Tom Evenson was sentenced to serve five years in prison after a no contest plea to felony assault. It was part of an agreement Evenson made with the state rather than face a third murder trial. His first two trials had ended with hung juries. The victims mother, Ramona Gerber, saw the deal as far too lenient and unjust. She urged the court to reconsider during Fridays sentencing hearing. Evenson had agreed to the deal back in September, but on Friday he argued the sentence was too long.

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Local Masons give 25K to library project

The effort to build a new Library in Petersburg got a major boost last week. The local Masonic Lodge presented library officials with a 25-thousand dollar check. The donation will go towards the library building construction fund. Library supporters are hopeful it will prompt other donations to the project.

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