Author: kfskadmin

Salvation Army holiday programs

Each year the Salvation Army runs several events to benefit needy families in Petersburg. This year is no exception. High School reporter Lyndsey Haas spoke with the Salvation Army earlier this month about the organizations efforts this holiday season.

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Petersburg electric rates going down

While a 40 percent increase in water rates is on the horizon for Petersburg, the cost of electricity is on its way down. The community already has low-cost hydroelectric power and with more people switching from oil to electric heat, the utility has been making more money.
So, the city council this week passed the first reading of a cut to electrical rates for all customers.

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Residents ask state not to plow snow on sidewalks

A group of Petersburg residents is calling on city and state officials to change the way some state roads are plowed in winter. Earlier this month, over seventy local residents signed a letter of concern asking for the street plows to stop burying the sidewalks. Calling it a city-wide, safety issue, a South Nordic drive couple spoke to the city council about it this week.

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Council picks alternative water rate hike

Petersburg’s city council changed direction in the water rate debate at last nights regular meeting. Instead of approving a rate increase recommended by city staffers and advisors, the council majority decided to go with a different proposal from one of the councilors.
The alternative combines a somewhat lower rate increase with debt forgiveness for the water utility. However, city staff told the council the plan did not meet revenue needs, and councilors were at odds over cancelling the utility debt.

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