The Petersburg Volunteer Fire Department and KFSK have teamed up to bring you this audio series on Emergency Preparedness. The first series focuses on creating a seven (7) day Emergency Kit for use while sheltering at home during a disaster, a Go Kit for evacuating in an emergency, and a vehicle/boat kit if you are stranded and can’t return home.
We will build our Emergency Kit together over the next 12 weeks with a new module playing each week on KFSK. The modules air at the following times each week:
Sundays – 8:39 AM
Mondays – 7:59 AM
Tuesdays – 5:18 PM
Wednesdays – 1:30 PM
Thursdays – 6:49 AM
Fridays – after Tradio (around 9:30 AM)
Saturdays – 7:18 AM
Recordings of each week’s module can be found here once they begin airing.
Links to the full disaster preparedness handbooks can be found below, or are available from the Petersburg Volunteer Fire Department.
More information and resources are also available on the State disaster preparedness website at ready.alaska.gov.