The New 2024 Season is on the air with new hosts, Craig Olson and Deb Hurley
October 3: With Emil Tucker: Putting the garden to bed
September 26: Andy and Stacy Kittams talk about their apple orchard
September 19: Jane Smith with Craig and Deb
September 12: Gina Esposito joins Deb and Craig for a talk about her green house garden
September 5: Ed Buyarski talks about tomatoes and potatoes
August 29: Lisa Schramek Adams and End of 2024 Market Season
August 22: More Biochar Discussion
August 15: Bio Char Workshop and uses for the garden
August 8: Bo Versano of Farragut Farm and Greta Keely of Kake
July 25: Dick & Sharon Sprague about their garden on Sasby Island
June 27: Mary Ellen Anderson as guest
June 20: Glorianne Wollen as guest
June 13: Daniel Tucker as guest
May 30: Community/School Garden with Ionna Ward
May 23, 2-24 Gardening Advice from Deb
May 16, 2024: with guest Chris Weiss talking about greenhouses
May 9, 2024 with guest Carolyn Pritchett
May 2, 2024 with guest Tonna Parker
August 21: Late Summer Gardening
August 14: Using Electric Fencing
July 31 Thinning apples, Pruning tomatoes and cucumbers
July 10: Heat and Green Houses
May 15: Planting tomatoes and carrots
May 8: Planting and transplanting trees
April 10: Warming soil, starting plants
April 3: eradicating invasive plants, natural lawns
March 27 Building garden boxes, making soil
March 6 Sweetening soil and starting seeds in windows
February 27, 2023; the Farmer’s summit
February 20, 2023 : starting to think about gardening
October 8, 2020: In the Garden talks planting your garlic and other bulbs too
September 17, 2020: In the Garden talks first frosts of the season and storing dahlias and begonias
August 27, 2020: In the Garden talks cleanup and more planting, inside the greenhouse and out
August 13, 2020: In the Garden talks mid season garden cleanup, seed saving, and more
August 6, 2020: In the Garden talks mystery seeds and woolly bears
July 9, 2020: In the Garden talks cover crops, compost, and root maggots
July 2, 2020: In the Garden talks pests, tomato tickling, hilling potatoes and more
June 4, 2020: In the Garden talks pests in your garden beds and greenhouses
May 28, 2020: In the Garden talks liquid fertilizer and side-dressing to boost your seedlings
May 21, 2020: In The Garden talks rhubarb and hosta and transplanting leggy starts
May 14, 2020: In the Garden talks about soaker hoses, boosting soil, and transplanting
May 7, 2020: In the Garden with Master Gardener Ed Buyarski talks all about planting your potatoes
May 16, 2019: tomato planting, pruning, and fertilizing in the greenhouse
May 10, 2019: planting, weeding, and fertilizing garlic and rhododendrons
October 4: colder season crops and preparing bulbs to survive the winter
September 12: Harvesting Potatoes
August 23: Late summer gardening
August 9: The Slugs Finally Emerge As the Rains Return
August 2: Growing Mint, Putting Away Berries
June 21, 2018: Summer Solstice
May 31, 2018 Your Garden’s Sex Life: The birds and the bees and other points about pollination
May 24, 2018 Planting in Wet Spots
May 17, 2018 Vegetable Starts and Sunshine
May 10, 2018 Trees, Bushes, Oh My
March 30, 2018 Early Planting Season
March 23, 2018 First Show of the Season
October 5, 2017 Last Show of the Season
September 28, 2017 Wrapping Up The Season
September 21, 2017 Potatoes, harvesting, curing, and storing
September 7, 2017 bulb planning and planting
August 31, 2017 excessive rain
August 10, 2017 berries ripe for picking
August 3, 2017 excessive sunshine
April 13, 2017 – Slugs and Deer
March 23, 2017 – A new growing season
March 16, 2017 – Greenhouse prepping, seed selecting, and starts
October 13, 2016 – Season End until Next Spring…